Pictures Of A Normal Vigina Make Normal Pictures Look Like Polaroids?

Make normal pictures look like polaroids? - pictures of a normal vigina

I want to make a collage of pictures on my wall, but it seems to me Polaroids. Is there a way to make regular Polaroid pictures to make and be able to print?


fhotoace said...

This will help you get started.

divajinx said...

I do not understand why you want instead of the regular Polaroid picture. Polaroids are so bad! The best way I know Thomas would the Picture Maker machine and the use of "alternative measures". Then you have to copy with a border on one side can (read, write stories, I suppose). That's all I can think of ..... I'm sorry. Or you can just copy what it is like and add their titles to the right of the photo) itself (with the PM machine.

Fat Rabbit said...

*** Polaroids false sucks ..

Gianna said...


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